Board of Directors & Volunteer Roles

Have you thought about getting involved in soccer? Our soccer program has over 400 players that come together and play throughout the Spring. This wouldn't be possible without our Board members and all our volunteers.                                                                           

We have many different positions to pick from and you know what....if you don't know much about soccer, that's ok, we would love to welcome you and appreciate any time you can offer to FYSA. If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out and send us an email any time,


FYSA Board positions

Ensures the association functions according to its Constitution, By-Laws and Purpose. Key responsibility
is to guide board activity by calling meetings, preparing agendas and chairing meetings.

Participates in board activities and provides advice.

Inherits President responsibilities when the President is absent or unable to act.

Manages and keeps record of all monies received and disbursed by the association. Prepares financial
statements as requested by the board and for the Annual General Meeting.

Keeps an accurate record of board meetings and makes minutes available to the Association. Files a BC
Society Report with BC Registries within 30 days after each Annual General Meeting.

Maintains an effective line of communication between the coaches, the association and the National
Coaches Certification Program. Helps identify team coaches and co-ordinates training programs for all
coaches and team officials.

Ensures there is a division Coordinator for each House League division and helps identify team coaches
and year-end championship committee. Calls meeting (late March) with division coordinators to set game schedules and identify chair for year-end championship committee. Contacts photographer to schedule player photos.

Works with House Coordinator to set game schedules and year-end championships. Assigns players to
teams and communicates team rosters/division game schedule with coaches/managers at the beginning
of the season. Liaison between the board and coaches/managers regarding opportunities and challenges
encountered throughout season. Informs the Equipment Manager of equipment requirements to
operate their division.

Identifies and supports Development team coaches and managers. This includes providing guidance on
practices, games, and use of equipment to achieve the level of skills and tournament attendance which
that Division is striving to achieve for that season.

Schedules training clinics and communicates with candidate players to ensure enough referees and
assistant referees for the Association. Sets referee schedules for House League and tournaments. Tracks
and pays referees for work completed.

Works with the board to identify major risks and makes recommendations to reduce or manage those
risks. Ensure all association volunteers have completed Vulnerable Sector Check with the RCMP and
maintain these records for the Association.

Ensures players, coaches and referees have sufficient equipment for the House League and
Development seasons. Key responsibilities are:
1. Identify FYSA equipment priorities and order items required.
2. Ensure equipment purchases are within allocated annual budgets and league timelines.
3. Coordinate volunteers to move goal nets onto the field as well as distribute equipment to
    House League bags (Spring equipment day) and Development coaches.
4. Helps identify and train equipment helpers to open the shed, clean/replace equipment as
    needed and lock-up the shed after each practice.

Upcoming Events

Apr. 26, 2025 to Apr. 27, 2025

2025 Elevation Mechanical Cup
Cranbrook, BC

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